There are 1.5 million people enrolled in Medicare in Washington, and about 49% of those beneficiaries have a Medicare Advantage plan. 

It’s very common to have questions about what the best Medicare Advantage plan is in your area. While there are highly-rated plans, there’s no one best plan for everyone. This is because the best Medicare Advantage plan for you will depend on who you are, which specific plans are available to you, and your financial situation. 

In this post, we’ll explore what’s typically covered in a Medicare Advantage plan, top-rated plans in Washington, and how you can find and enroll in the best policy for you.

Key takeaways:

  • Many older Americans are drawn to Medicare Advantage plans because they come with additional benefits and perks that Original Medicare doesn’t have.

  • While Humana carries the highest-rated Medicare Advantage plans in Washington, the best Medicare Advantage plan depends on your unique health and financial needs.

  • Check the plan finder tool to see what plans are available in your area, or get in touch with a licensed Medicare Advisor at Chapter.

Top-rated Medicare Advantage plans in Washington

17 insurance providers carry Medicare Advantage plans in Washington, including Aetna, Cigna, Humana, and UnitedHealthcare. 

Various Medicare Advantage plans offered by Humana have the highest-rated policies based on Medicare’s star rating system

Plan availability differs based on where you live in Washington. You can use the plan finder tool on to search and compare plans. If you want to see the highest-rated plans, check the filter section, click “star ratings,” and filter by 4 stars and up. 

Keep in mind that the highest rated plans may not be right for you. The plan you choose should cater to your health and financial situation. You can contact a Chapter Medicare agent to not only look at and compare available plans in Washington, but also get personalized advice. We take note of your doctors, prescriptions, and priorities to find the best Medicare Advantage plan for your unique needs.

What is a Medicare Advantage plan?

Medicare Advantage is an to Original Medicare. Original Medicare is run by the federal government and is the same for everyone. Medicare Advantage plans, however, are offered by private insurance companies—and there’s a lot of variance from one plan to another. Premiums and out-of-pocket costs can vary, but so can benefits, prescription coverage, and networks. Like with any type of insurance, there are downsides to Medicare Advantage. But these plans remain popular because of the additional offerings they have on top of coverage for the same services and equipment as Original Medicare. 

Medicare Advantage plans can offer an array of “extras.” Below are some of the most common (and popular) benefits:

While Medicare Advantage plans cover the same services as Original Medicare, additional benefits can vary with plans and providers. Similarly, not every Medicare Advantage plan is available in every county in Washington. 

What to look for in a Medicare Advantage plan

With so much variance in the costs, benefits, and availability of Washington Medicare Advantage plans, you might be even more perplexed about how to compare plans and choose the best plan. To simplify the process, think about what your healthcare and financial needs are. Consider the following factors.

What you need covered

While Medicare Advantage plans may offer perks, like flex cards and free gym memberships, your Medicare is, first and foremost, your health insurance. Make note of the doctors you prefer to see so that your Medicare agent can ensure they’re in-network for your chosen plan. You should also jot down the prescriptions you take to check that they’re covered by your prescription plan and that your out-of-pocket costs will be as low as possible. 

Note: Most Medicare Advantage plans provide prescription drug coverage. If the one you want does not, you can enroll in a separate prescription drug plan. 

Your budget for healthcare

Healthcare expenses make up a large portion of our expenses in retirement. It’s important to consider both your health and financial situations when choosing your Medicare coverage. On top of taking note of your preferred providers and prescriptions (discussed above), consider how often you visit the doctor and any specialist visits you schedule each year. 

When looking at Medicare coverage options, make sure to look at the monthly premium as well as the deductibles and coinsurance amounts. Think through the different services, equipment, and prescriptions you need throughout the year to determine what your estimated costs will be. While a $0 Medicare Advantage plan may look nice at first, it may be worth it to choose a plan that has a monthly premium to save more on out-of-pocket costs. We understand that not everyone is completely comfortable with healthcare and insurance terminology, which is why we’re here to help! We can walk you through anticipated costs for the healthcare services you need during a free consultation.

Extra benefits of interest

At this point, you’ve narrowed your plan options down to those that cover what you need while minimizing your healthcare costs. Now, you can take a look at the extra perks offered by Washington Medicare Advantage plans. Of the variety of benefits available, think about what matters most to you. Prescription, vision, dental, and hearing coverage are some of the most popular benefits among beneficiaries. A lot of people are also interested in free gym memberships and premium give back benefits. Your Medicare agent can work with you to find a plan that includes as many of your additional priorities as possible!

Enrolling in the best Medicare Advantage plan in Washington

It’s not always easy to navigate through Medicare Advantage plans and find the right one for you. And if you’re new to Medicare, you may also be overwhelmed with just trying to figure out how Medicare works

Chapter can help you do it all—understanding and comparing your Medicare options to enrolling in the best plan for you. Leave the hard parts to us, and call 855-900-2427 to get in touch with a licensed Medicare Advisor. 

Get Medicare, Maximized