When you first enroll in Medicare, you enroll in Original Medicare, which includes Part A and Part B. Once enrolled, you can choose to stay on Original Medicare or switch to a Medicare Advantage plan. With the word, “Advantage” in the name, Medicare Advantage plans may seem like the obvious option, but we always recommend you understand the differences between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage before making your choice. 

If, like 53% of people in Utah, you’ve decided to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, then this guide is for you! We’ll share some quick facts about Utah Medicare Advantage plans and a brief overview of how these plans work. We’ll then dive into details that will help you find the best Utah Medicare Advantage plan to fit your health and financial needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Depending on where you live in Utah, you may have between 1-26 Medicare Advantage plans to choose from.

  • The best Utah Medicare Advantage plan is different for everyone. You need to consider your unique needs and priorities.

  • Understanding Medicare Advantage plan pros and cons can help you compare what matters.

  • You can work with one of our caring Utah Medicare Advisors to easily compare plans and enroll in the right one for you!

Quick facts about Medicare Advantage plans in Utah

  • 53% of people in Utah choose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan rather than stick with Original Medicare.

  • There are a total of 35 Medicare Advantage plans available in Utah, but plan availability varies by county.

  • Depending on the county you live in, you may have access to anywhere from only one Medicare Advantage plan to 26. 

While it can be helpful to know what Medicare Advantage plans are available overall in Utah, your plan availability depends on the county you live in. Furthermore, there’s no one best Utah Medicare Advantage plan. Understanding how Medicare Advantage plans work and how they can differ is an important first step in finding the best plan for your needs.

Brief overview of Medicare Advantage plans

Medicare Advantage plans are popular—over 50% of people choose Medicare Advantage in Utah as well as the US as a whole. Like any health insurance option, they aren’t perfect. Let’s explore their pros and cons.

Pros of Medicare Advantage plans

The biggest pro that attracts people to Medicare Advantage plans is the extra benefits they provide. By law, Medicare Advantage plans must cover at least the same services and equipment as Original Medicare—but they go beyond that to offer added benefits, including the following:

In addition to a selection of extra benefits, Medicare Advantage plans have an annual maximum out-of-pocket amount. This amount is the most you will spend on healthcare expenses before your health plan pays 100% of the costs for covered services. Original Medicare, on the other hand, doesn’t have a maximum out-of-pocket amount. This means you could be on the hook for thousands of dollars if you need frequent or expensive healthcare services. 

Like we said before, no health plan is perfect. Let’s explore the disadvantages of Medicare Advantage.

Cons of Medicare Advantage plans

The biggest disadvantage of Medicare Advantage plans is limited access to care. This is caused by two different factors: provider networks and prior-authorization requirements. While provider networks are common with health plans in general, they can limit your ability to see the doctors you prefer. Furthermore, Medicare Advantage plan networks are limited to your local providers. This means Medicare Advantage plans may not be the best option for people who travel a lot domestically or split time between two states. 

Medicare Advantage plans are also notorious for requiring prior authorization for covered services—and denials are common. This could force you to pay for the full cost of treatment or choose not to receive the care you need. 

Another big disadvantage of Medicare Advantage plans is the variance between plans. Premiums, out-of-pocket costs, and extra benefits all vary from plan to plan. This can get confusing—and many people are surprised to learn that their plan doesn’t include a certain benefit. Others are surprised by higher-than-expected out-of-pocket costs due to varying deductibles, coinsurance, and copayment amounts.

What to look for to choose the best Medicare Advantage plan

Once you’re aware of how Medicare Advantage plans work, you can balance the pros and cons to find a plan that works for you. When comparing plans, you should consider your budget and the following three priorities to find the best Utah Medicare Advantage plan for your health and financial needs.

1. Make sure your preferred doctors are in your plan’s network

If you have doctors you prefer to see—like a primary care physician or certain specialists—make sure they’re in your plan’s network so you can receive full coverage when you see them. 

2. If your plan includes prescription coverage, make sure your drugs are covered

Most Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. If the plans you’re considering do, make sure that each of your prescriptions is covered. You should also take a look at your estimated out-of-pocket costs for your prescriptions to maximize your savings! This can be tricky because each plan places drugs on different tiers. The coinsurance and copayment amounts can also vary, making it difficult to compare estimated monthly costs. We can help with this! Our Medicare Advisors will ask you about the prescriptions you take, plug them into their recommendation tool, and provide you with your estimated out-of-pocket costs for different plans. 

3. Maximize your value with extra benefits that matter most to you

One of the reasons people choose to enroll in Medicare Advantage plans is because they come with extra benefits, like transportation services and dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Consider all of the benefits that Medicare Advantage plans can include, and determine which ones would provide the best value for you based on your needs and lifestyle. Once you’ve narrowed down your plan options to those that cover your doctors and prescriptions, you can maximize value with benefits that matter most to you!

Top-rated Medicare Advantage plans in Utah

When finding the best plan for you, your health and wellness priorities matter most. That said, Medicare Advantage plan ratings can also help you compare your options. Each year, plans are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars (with 5 stars being the best). Below are some details about the top-rated plans in Utah. Keep in mind that plan availability varies by county. To get information about top-rated plans in your county, use the Medicare plan comparison tool or give us a call at 855-900-2427

  • Select Health offers a handful of 5-star Medicare Advantage plans in Utah. 

  • Humana and UnitedHealthcare both offer some 4.5-star Medicare Advantage plans in Utah. 

How to choose the best Medicare Advantage plan in Utah

Sorting through several Medicare Advantage plans available in Utah can feel overwhelming, especially if you have multiple doctors and prescriptions you need to consider. That’s why we’re here! We’ll help you understand the differences between plans and compare your total costs to find the best plan for you.

Get free, personalized advice today! Call us at 855-900-2427 or schedule a time to chat to get your Medicare needs sorted.

Get Medicare, Maximized